let us help you with this special time


during pregnancy the body is constantly changing and adapting with the growth of the baby and the fluctuation of hormones within mom’s body.

in the early stages of pregnancy, adjustments are actually about the same as what you would normally expect during a visit. As your pregnancy progresses, you can expect your adjustments to change slightly. as you get closer to your due date the ligaments in your body begin to loosen because of hormonal changes. this means that your adjustments actually require less force than you would expect during your normal visits.

dr. sami likes to use pregnancy pillows to help with mom’s comfort and allow her to lay on her stomach while getting adjusted.

dr. sami focuses a lot of time on round ligament work to help improve mom’s mobility. research shows that regular chiropractic adjustments throughout your pregnancy can help reduce the amount of time spent in labor when the big day actually comes

Our goal is to keep mom as comfortable as possible while also improving the function of her pelvis.
