It’s good to be a kid!

we aren’t playing around!

Well…actually we are! At Adjusted For Life we want to welcome everyone into our family and that includes our smallest patients too! when you come to get adjusted your kids can play in their own adjusting room letting you relax and enjoy the treatment you came for. after finishing up your adjustment dr. sami will check your kiddos alignment keeping them happy and healthy!


get them started young

Most people don’t think of chiropractic for infants. But even newborns can greatly benefit from chiropractic care. the birthing process isn’t just hard on mom. babies experience a lot of pressure on their whole body and torque on their neck and spine. dr. sami uses no more pressure than what you would touch your eye with to adjust babies. adjustments can help infants with colic, torticollis, acid reflux, difficulty during breast feeding, and many other things!